
♛  To be a mason takes years, but the life of a saint can be lived in an hour.
♛   A dance alone frees the heart, but a dance together binds it.
♛   Listen to learn, and you will forget. Listen to live, and you will remember.
♛  He who was taught by a good father needn't fear the unplanned child.

♛  Be wary of shortcuts. As they shrink the journey, they shrink the gold.

♛  When husband and wife become equals, they both lose their crowns.

♛  The only cure for poverty is to give more than you take.

♛  Beware of the one who neglects a starry night.

♛  As air is to lungs, so language is to thought. Pollute at your peril.

♛  If the voices of today are wrong, you have no place to look but yesterday. Let your forefathers be your guide.

♛  A man fears death as he fears the dark. Not for what it is but for what it holds.