Remember the One
With 200,000 abortions every day globally, children become numbers. Remember the one. Fight for the one.
With 200,000 abortions every day globally, children become numbers. Remember the one. Fight for the one.
If God has placed you in a position of Church leadership, He expects more of you. The time for action is now! Tell your followers to VOTE NO to PROP 3 on Nov. 8, 2022.
Proposal 3 is one of the most radical and vaguely written abortion proposals in American history. We cannot stand by while innocent babies are killed inside (and outside) the womb.
My continuation of Ernest Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants.”
The society we live in today is a monolith of confusion and perversion. This is my dystopian portrayal of America’s demise.
A short story revealing the true state of the sentiments toward abortion in the West and what the Word has to say on the matter. Viewer discretion advised.
A rapist can take so much from a woman, but he can never take what is most precious: the baby he left her with.
The unborn child is as precious as the bloodlust of our society is wicked. Yet, the child has what sin never will: a positive teleology aimed at life.