O’ Church
A rather unusual hymn calling the Church to repentance and revival.
How does God use individuals to build corporate faith? By having them harpoon fornicating idolaters, of course.
Are baptism and the Lord’s Supper found in the Old Testament? By degrees!
Adonai is the Lord of Spirits, including those of the 21st century. Let us rejoice in the defeat of Satan by picking up our crosses daily in emulation of Jesus.
“Your brain gets smart, but your head gets dumb.”
-Smash Mouth
The unborn child is as precious as the bloodlust of our society is wicked. Yet, the child has what sin never will: a positive teleology aimed at life.
Two young boys find themselves suddenly enlisted in an unseen war for the life of their island.
God is either offering to use you, preparing you for His use, or actively using you. Perhaps all 3! Discover how Abraham responded to that truth.