Child Unknown
Jochebed had to let Moses go, to leave him to the will of the Lord. Today, I do the same.
Jochebed had to let Moses go, to leave him to the will of the Lord. Today, I do the same.
If God has placed you in a position of Church leadership, He expects more of you. The time for action is now! Tell your followers to VOTE NO to PROP 3 on Nov. 8, 2022.
Proposal 3 is one of the most radical and vaguely written abortion proposals in American history. We cannot stand by while innocent babies are killed inside (and outside) the womb.
A rapist can take so much from a woman, but he can never take what is most precious: the baby he left her with.
The unborn child is as precious as the bloodlust of our society is wicked. Yet, the child has what sin never will: a positive teleology aimed at life.
Two young boys find themselves suddenly enlisted in an unseen war for the life of their island.
There is typically a whole lot of grit that precedes the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
“The family may be regarded as the cradle of civil society,”
-Pope Leo XIII