
Show me a man with love to spare,
His heart too full for mortal itch;
He who Lucifer need forswear,
For live in him is Glory’s pitch.
Show me a man with wisdom sound,
Known not by folly nor by vice;
One whose counsel years redound,
To mend the rent a trice suffice.
Show me a man with wit unmatched,
A quip from whom pales sharpest sword;
Someone followed by laughs unlatched,
Company’s joy is his inward.
Show me a man with mind for want,
Who thirsts of reason e’er more;
In him is learning, save all vaunt,
Yes, e’en that from days of yore.
Show me a man with virtue yet,
A person true to God and own;
Any for whom by test is whet,
Worthy this life, ere the unknown.
Show me a man with this in full,
Love, wisdom, mind, wit, and virtue,
And him to my breast I will pull,
For he is Hoàng, my father too.
To Hoàng, the man who helped show me what godly manhood is.
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