The Pedophile Problem

Children Reciting Pledge Of Allegiance (1963) by Bettmann
It is true that there is nothing new under the sun, but the sun is growing very old indeed. So old that we might reasonably assume we are well past high noon. And each day the shadows cast on the earth grow longer and larger and darker as we creep toward the twelfth hour, the hour of our Lord’s return, the dawning of a new day.
Most notably, we are seeing a great darkening of our sexual facility. We should all by now be well acquainted with the term “minor attracted person” or MAP, a particularly sinister rebranding of the ancient and thoroughly heinous sin of pedophilia. Proponents of this new term seek to “destigmatize” this “attraction” as if defending the new kid on the block. In recent times, liberal minds have made bold to push for pedophilia to be added to the ever-expanding Cult of Perversion, namely the LGBTQIA+ community. Meanwhile, the academic types are running their blackboard erasers ragged trying to rewrite the psychological literature. The precedent was first set with homosexuality and its adopted brother, transsexualism.
The first and second editions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-I and DMS-II)—widely regarded as seminal texts in the field of psychology and psychiatry—included homosexuality as a mental illness, but this was promptly removed in the DSM-III of 1980. Likewise, as recently as 2013, the fourth edition of the (DSM-IV-TR) classified “gender identity disorder” (previously “transsexualism”) as a mental disorder; however, in the current DSM–V, it is argued that “gender non-conformity is not in itself a mental disorder.” Why these changes? I’ll explain.
Love of sin is as old as man, but in modern times, it all started with Jean-Paul Sartre’s world-breaking quote “essence precedes existence,” first uttered in his 1945 lecture “Existentialism Is a Humanism.” The Christian and even Platonic paradigm always maintained that the nature or fundamental properties of a thing are more intrinsic and immutable than the fact of its existence. Sartre radically reversed this by claiming that humans can manufacture an identity or meaning for themselves because we, in fact, have no intrinsic essence. Rather, we are born blank slates that can write our own essence through our conscious, lived experience.
Sartre’s postmodern philosophy is, of course, absolute rubbish. Each person is born with several, fundamental essences endowed by our Creator. For example, a man is conceived with the essential nature/form of manhood, which allows certain possibilities (e.g., becoming a husband) while precluding others (e.g., becoming a mother). We cannot contrive our essential nature after coming into existence anymore than a vase can declare itself a dinner plate after a firing in the kiln. But, alas, we have suppressed the Potter’s truth in our unrighteousness, and it has left us with child drag queens. God have mercy.
Postmodernism is patently anti-Christian, so it is no surprise that, as it spread into popular culture, it pushed Christ out. I place a substantial portion of the blame on our educational systems. Jean-Paul Sarte and his ilk’s philosophy trickled down from ivory towers to the elementary level, and I am old enough to have tasted its firstfruits. In 1962, the Supreme Court took mandated prayers out of public schools, one of several anti-religious moves that coincided nicely with the sexual revolution of the 60s and 70s. By the time I was in highschool, in the 2010s, if we heard the name of Christ spoken at all, it was in derision.
The trouble is that kids are human, and humans need heroes, especially when forming their identity. After all, how is one to find who they ought to be without some sort of ideal? For nearly 2,000 years, that ideal, that hero, was Jesus, the God-man. Suddenly, the paragon of moral virtue in the Judeo-Christian world, including America, was nowhere to be found. We might rightly ask what filled that void in culture and in school.
Well, I think America arrived at the answer by first asking “What is the greatest evil” and working its way backward to who stood up against that evil. That particular evil was, in a word, racism. More specifically slavery. More specifically still, the chattel slavery of the transatlantic slave trade. I can tell you for a fact that neither myself nor most of my peers were taught more than 10% of world history or 40% of American history. Instead, we spent our time reliving the civil rights era ad nauseam. (And when we weren’t doing that, we were slapping Christopher Columbus’s wrist with one hand and patting ourselves on the back with the other.) In fact, I’d bet you my hat that the average millennial can name more civil rights activists than American presidents.
Enter New Hero. Martin Luther King Jr. became a Christ figure, and those like Rosa Parks and Harriet Tubman were hailed saints. A religion of anti-racism was born. It goes without saying that racism is wicked and these activists were noble in their cause, but we heard nothing of the Christianity that motivated them. Moreover, the problem for myself and my classmates was that our teachers created a hero archetype for a problem already solved, a damsel already saved. Today’s America is the most prosperous and free nation in the world, one largely wiped clean of its racist stain. If anything, the BLM movement, white-privilage narratives, and affirmative action have demonstrated that anti-White sentiments are more commonly acceptable, even vogue, in our present cultural and academic climate.
Needless to say, we were left with a generation of children dreaming of becoming MLK, yearning to rail against a class of Oppressors for the liberation of the Oppressed… Only, where the hell are they?
The school system and society at large had an answer for that too: the homosexuals. It was oh so easy to draw parallels between Blacks being denied the right to vote and gay men being denied the right to marry. “Love is love,” after all.
And so it happened that gay marriage was legalized 2015, my junior year of high school. I remember hearing gleeful declarations in the hallways that, “We are making history right now,” as if they had been spending their Friday nights at local sit-ins and not getting plastered at Blake’s mom’s house. But when the rainbow confetti settled, we were left without a victim again. Our classroom-incubated worldviews couldn’t handle it. So, we searched for another oppressed class. We found them in no time flat. Or, rather, they found us: the transgenders.
I trust you can connect the dots from there. Now, we are staring down the barrel of the “victim’s” gun, living in a world where 0.5% of the population have total control of an entire nation’s collective ethic, legislation, culture, education, news, and media. Are we ready for this next victim? Are we prepared to kowtow at the feet of pedophiles?
Or will we save the children? And maybe, just maybe, give them Christ again.
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