Red Wedding

King Thrushbeard (1916) by Arthur Rackham
There is a valley over yonder crest,
Hid beyond willows, dark and desert,
Or so I suspect for I have never quest
A foot or eye in that wood outskirt.
Once and once only while on my way
I heard the voice of a woodland fairy.
Long and sweet it sang to say
That in that forest dim and wary
An old, forgotten magic soaks the land
With spirits of love and life eternal,
That any man should win the hand
Of any maiden in the glen vernal.
Years have passed since that fairy’s clue,
And ages spent in grim doldrums
Have led me back just as I led you.
Now I ask, no, I behest you come,
Die my lack, hand and all.
If not for love then be it dread;
Run, walk, or if neither crawl
Else ours be a wedding not white but red.
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